UNITY Project aims to bring people together

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Wrightstown Middle School students weave yarn through the circular arrangement of 32 poles in a large field in front of Wrightstown High School as part of the UNITY project sponsored by the Wrightstown High School Art Club and BRIDGE Club.

By Brian Roebke
It seems like America is more divided than it’s ever been, with people having differing opinions on just about everything and not as much respect for each other as they should.
That’s what Wrightstown High School set out to change last week when the Wrightstown High School Art Club and BRIDGE Club set up a circular arrangement of 32 poles in a large field in front of the school last week.
“It’s about showing our interconnectedness as a community,” said Art & Design Educator Jill Bailey.
They used the same color thread, starting and ending at the center pole, with people weaving their yarn around the pole on the exterior circle that most represents them.
“At the end it makes this awesome interconnected web that celebrates our diversity but yet we’re still a unified community, which is really the emphasis here,” Bailey said.
Students in grades 8-12 started working on the project during the week and a few classes still needed to contribute early this week, with the plans to leave it up through graduation next week.
“It will show that everyone is connected in the community,” said senior Kendra Brandl, who participated with her homeroom and helped out with the project because she thinks it’s a good message to spread.
Brandl is vice president of the Art Club and a member of the BRIDGE Club, which aims to build respect in diversity and generating equality.
The idea for UNITY originates from Nancy Belmont, creator of the Courage Wall. Nancy is the CEO and Chief Inspiration Officer at Vessence Corporation. In May 2015 she launched the Courage Wall as a way to raise awareness of the fears that hold us back from living big, bold authentic lives. The Courage Wall and UNITY are both projects that fall under her #WeLiveBig initiative to promote human flourishing.
Belmont believes that UNITY can change the tone of our national conversation. She hoped to counter the divisiveness, negativity and bigotry of our country’s national political conversation and encourage unitive leadership. Her vision was for communities around the country and even the world to build their own versions of the project, spreading unity around the globe. The High School Art Club and BRIDGE Club are proud to collaborate together and bring her vision of UNITY to the Wrightstown community.